Hot, Very Hot – Week 8 Recap

2013-hot-weatherWell, summer has arrived.  It was hot…very hot…for Week 8.  At least Coot’s guys got to head back to the front though…and with just 2 weeks left in the first half, that helped make things quite interesting!

Ole Abner did it again.  JOEY B’S maintained their hold on the top spot in the standings with 50 points.  Joining them this week, also with 50 points, is THE TUREK BROTHERS.

And, yes, that’s the match of the week next week!

A few guys with some great shootin’ on the night: CRAIG ALDRIDGE carded the low-net-score of the night, 29, on his round of 43.  JOE SONDERMAN carded a 37 & the “Old Man of the Sea”, BOB BREITHBARTH also got a 37.

RYAN VAN DILLEN & GARRY BYRD nabbed closest-to-the-pin honors on the night.

On the Milestone Watch, JEFF POHRER tied on the night so he’ll have to wait another week to establish the 250 Club.  But, JIM PLEIMANN got #98 & KEVIN GARDNER got #149…almost there for both guys!  Additionally, ED WILLIAMS joined the watch list with his 145th career victory.

But the big news was, for the second week in a row, we have a new member of the 150 Win ClubCHRIS CARUSO became the 9th guy to attain such status!


On the “other” side though…PAUL HILLYARD got #200…that is LOSS #200…





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