Congratulations to the winners! List sorted alphabetically by pro golfer’s first name.
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May 10 2024
Like The Log Jam On The Flooded Meramec – Week 6 Recap
It’s like deja vu all over again with the second round of Coot action in just 48 hours. It was the best conditions so far this year with mostly sunny skies, temps right at 80, and a nice breeze – all for the guys to take on the Meramec! Speaking of the Meramec…the standings are …
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May 08 2024
Make Up Day Tuesday – Week 3a Recap
Week 3 finally got to happen and it was a perfect day for golf on the Woodlands! After the original Week 3 got rained out, the rescheduled make up day on Tuesday was partly sunny and 80-degrees! HAEGELE NURSERY got all 10 points to move up to Second Place, just a half-point out of First …
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May 03 2024
The Holding Co. Is Broke – Week 5 Recap
Week 5 happened after Week 4 but before Week 3 (don’t forget, Week 3 is happening on TUESDAY, May 7th), and featured play on the Woodlands with 84-degrees and overcast skies. The night was a little different than usual. First off, The Holding Co. is finally broke after 2 carryovers in the skins game. ELLIOT …
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May 02 2024
New Tournament Alert: Special Rate for Cooters
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Apr 26 2024
A Good Night For Cooters – Week 4 Recap
After Week 3 got postponed last week (don’t forget, Week 3 will be made up on TUESDAY, May 7th), Coot’s guys were greeted with 65-degree temps, overcast skies, and a little breeze – all for play on the Meramec. Turns out, that was a perfect set up for lots of movement in the standings! HEYL …
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Apr 19 2024
After being litigated one year ago this week for making an early weather call, Coot hoped to avoid postponing Week 3. But, after hearing about the fear some Cooters have of being struck by lightning on the course, it couldn’t be avoided. WEEK 3 will now take place on TUESDAY, MAY 7TH. Week 4 will …
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Apr 12 2024
Windy On The Woodlands – Week 2 Recap
65 degrees and windy conditions for Coot’s guys to tackle the Woodlands course for Week 2 play and… WOW! WOW! WOW! There was too much recap for just 1 sheet of paper! HAEGELE NURSERY (Team 4) got all 10 points to take the lead in the standings…sorry for your loss, JOEY B’S. The low scratch …
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Apr 05 2024
It Was Utter Chaos – Week 1 Recap
Blizzard conditions. Maybe 45 degrees. The Prairie. The ballgame. Longo Biggs had a late jury trial. It was utter chaos…but, alas, the CARDINALS COOT BROWN HOME OPENER kicked off the 38th season and golf is finally back! With all that going on, teams were scrambling for subs – 4 guys off the sub list played …
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