COOT BROWN GOLF LEAGUE 2012 | 26 Years LEAGUE PLAY April 12th through August 30th Tee Times: 3:27pm-5:00pm LAKE OZARK TOURNAMENT August 10th, 11th, and 12th LEAGUE FEES $1,800 per team $300 per member Closest-to-the-Pin included [“buck up”] This year’s hole-in-one prize: $1,155+ TEAM SPONSORS $100 per team SUBS & TEAM EXTRAS $125 per player …
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Feb 04 2012
Come One, Come All
It’s Super Bowl weekend…that means Coot’s annual Winter Meeting is just days away! Join us this Thursday at 7pm at the Quail Creek clubhouse for this very important meeting. Coot’s 26th season will be full of fun, excitement, and changes. Not the least of those changes is the new Quail Creek ownership. So you won’t …
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Jul 10 2011
Final Match Play Championship Match Set
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Jun 29 2011
Match Play Challenge Update!
The championship matches are all set (except in the C flight)! Gary Williams, Dave Hegger, John Davis, Adam Laury, John Greffet, Bruce Thomas, and Dave Schweitzer will all compete for their respective championships! Check out the updated brackets at the Match Play Challenge page and start rooting on your favorite golfers today!
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Jun 21 2011
League Rankings Updated
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Jun 13 2011
Upcoming Events!
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May 30 2011
Player Profiles Have Arrived!
That’s right – the long-awaited Player Profile Page is now a reality! Thanks to the response of Coot’s guys (after MUCH prodding), enough profiles were turned in to get the page up and running. Anyone already featured on the Player Profile page is eligible for the drawing of a $100 Quail Creek Clubhouse gift certificate. …
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May 30 2011
Match Play Challenge Updates
A couple more matches have been completed in Coot’s 25th anniversary Match Play Challenge. Congratulations to: Joe Cuz & Matt Jost. These are the latest guys to advance to the next round of their respective brackets. Good luck in the next round! Check out the Match Play Challenge pages (Champ Flight, A Flight, B Flight, …
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May 19 2011
Thoughts and Prayers for Bob Brawley
After suffering a stroke early in the week, Bob Brawley (K.G. Electric, Inc.) is recovering quite well. Bob will be kept at St. Anthony’s Medical Center for another day or so for tests and observations. Upon his release, he will begin therapy on his way to a full recovery. His spirits are high and he …
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