Category: 2020 Season

C.E.S. Wins 2020 Championship! – Week 22 Recap

For the first time in Coot history…Team #12 has won the championship…and, it just so happens that particular Team #12 is also a first-time champion (check out the updated “by the numbers” regarding championships)…C.E.S.! CONGRATULATIONS C.E.S.! Aside from an historic night for C.E.S., it was a big night all around. You had JOE SONDERMAN celebrating …

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C.E.S. Wins Second Half – Week 21 Recap

High humidity with 88-degree temps made for some slow greens for Coot’s guys on the Week 21 Position Round. So, scores were slightly elevated but that didn’t prevent for some theatrics that can lead to some Coot history! The main story: the match up between JOEY B’S & C.E.S. with a spot in the championship …

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The Position Round Is Set – Week 20 Recap

Ahhhh…it was a clear, 84-degree night on the “DAVE HEGGER 9″…the Prairie Course. And now, the Position Round is set! JOEY B’S & C.E.S. will put the gloves on and battle for the second half title. Close behind them is METRO ELECTRIC who will take on GILLICK BRICKWORK. The prize for the survivor: a chance …

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The Seesaw Battle Continues – Week 19 Recap

Cloudy.85 degrees.Meramec Course.Rather nice setting for the seesaw battle to continue! JOEY B’S is back on top by just 1.5 points over C.E.S. with 4 other teams within 9 points of the top spot. Oh…by the way…only 2 more weeks of scoring left in the 2020 season! Enough time to see if the C.E.S. tradition …

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The Calm Before The Lake Storm – Week 18 Recap

What a night! 75 degrees with a little breeze and overcast skies on the Woodlands for a Coot TUESDAY special. Let’s just call it the calm before the LAKE TOURNEY storm! C.E.S. pole vaulted to first place with a 10-point night over the “Lonely Hearts Club Band,” HEYL FARMS and are just a half-point over …

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Better Not Look Out The Back Door – Week 17 Recap

There was finally a break in the heat as temps were only in the mid-80s. But, the heat wasn’t the battle for Week 17, it was the rain. There were a couple of rain delays on the Prairies…but that didn’t stop EVERY team to move in the standings. Well, except one team: the team in …

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H&H…Ditto – Week 16 Recap

Hot & humid…DITTO…the only thing hotter is the virus! Every team, except 2, changed positions on the leader board. JOEY B’S is back on top after putting K.G. ELECTRIC, INC. on their knees with 9 points and the biggest lead so far of the second half. C.E.S. also had a good night to jump into …

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Face Masks Strongly Encouraged Thursday Night

Mark your calendars now and plan on joining us after golf on Thursday night (July 23rd) for the live drawing of the Lake Tourney pairings! But…if you plan on sticking around… FACE MASKS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED We will have a larger-than-usual crowd in the clubhouse after golf this week due to the live drawing. For …

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Bobby D Joins the Club – Week 15 Recap

150 Career Victory Milestone Club

Sure, it was hot…but, a little breeze made it not really all that bad…perhaps that’s why there was a LOT happening in the standings on the night?!?! GILLICK BRICKWORK took over the top spot with 8 (E-I-G-H-T) other teams within 7.5 points of first place as we approach the midway point of the second half. …

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He Got Bruce Thomased – Week 14 Recap

Week 14 play was greeted on the Meramec Course with HOT-HOT-HOT temps! There was a just a little movement in the air but a lot of movement in the standings! C.E.S. grabbed 9 points to move up the leader board to just 1.5 points out of first place, now occupied by JOEY B’S. HEYL FARMS …

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